Test Info: Standardized Tests
Standardized Tests
Competitive Edge specializes in preparation for the SAT Reasoning Test (the Scholastic Assessment Test), the ACT (American College Testing), and AP Exams (Advanced Placement Exams) .
The overwhelming majority of colleges and universities require either SAT Reasoning or ACT scores as part of their application processes. AP exams may be required for admission to a particular undergraduate program (e.g., AP Calculus BC and/or AP Physics B/C). Otherwise, strong AP Exam Scores may be used to differentiate strong students’ mastery in a particular academic discipline during the college application process and/or to bypass introductory courses at the undergraduate level, but they are not required to apply to colleges and universities.
The SAT and the ACT are designed to assess high school students’ cognitive abilities and academic skills pursuant to evaluating their readiness for college-level work. AP Exams are designed to measure a student’s mastery of the specific subject tested.